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Skin Classic

The Skin Classic offers rapid non-invasive, non-laser treatment of minor skin irregularities such as:

- small skin tags

- sebaceous hyperplasia

- age or “sun” spots

- cherry angiomas

- telangiectasias (broken capillaries)

- milia

Skin Classic treatments are quick & affordable.  Small skin tags & red spots disappear right away & hyperpigmented areas such as “age spots” take only a few minutes.  There is minimal discomfort for the client & healing time is short – usually just a few days.  Treatment of these minor surface irregularities helps to give the skin a more homogeneous look & feel. Prices start at $85.

There is some downtime for healing. When the Skin Classic probe comes into contact with the epidermis it will leave a little crust. It typically takes anywhere from 5-10 days before the skin is smooth again. During that time it is important to baby your skin with gentle products.

You will also be sent home with aftercare instructions.​

  • DON'T go to a tanning bed two weeks prior to treatment

  • DON'T have another exfoliating treatment unless recommended for at least 2 weeks after treatment

  • DON'T wax, tweeze or use depilatory creams for 7 days prior in nthe area being treated

  • AVOID extended sun exposure especially in the 10 days prior to treatment. and 2 weeks afterward.

  • AVOID getting Botox, collagen or other chemical filler injections for two weeks before

  • DELAY use of Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana and high-percentage AHA and BHA products for approximately 1 week prior to treatment. Consult your Physician before temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription medications.